Quick DIY Wrapping Paper
Got a party to go to? Sorted out your gift? But **forgot** the wrapping paper? Need something quick. Nice but last minute(ish)? Or maybe you have a little one that loves to get arty and print making. Well.. why not have a go at this “Make your own DIY Gift Wrap“? This wrapping paper is made using the classic potato printing method, with a cookie cutter twist (who knew there were so many fun uses for cookie cutters!). So grab your favourite cookie cutter and lets make this super easy and fast wrapping paper!

Supplies needed to make this printed gift wrap
- rolled white paper or brown packing paper or even newspaper,
- (half) a potato,
- cookie cutter,
- knife and
- paint in two desired colours
How to make your Potato Print Gift Wrap
1) I find it easiest to just wrap the present first!
2) Push your cookie cutter into your potato.
3) With a knife cut around you cutter.
4) Remove the bits and the cutter and then cut across the potato to flatten your surface.
5) Dry the potato on a paper towel.
6) Using a paint brush add paint and print! I like the pattern to go diagonally, with the odd bit of colour interspersed. Or go for a random print with no order.
7) For colour change I gave the potato a quick wash, dried it and continued.
Make ANY paper using your cookie cutters – DIY gingerbread pattern wrapping paper, DIY Christmas Tree Paper wrapping paper, DIY Heart Wrapping paper.. whatever cutters you have to hand.
Or.. if you fancy just using a potato… here are some cute potato printing ideas:

Update: a few days later I needed MORE paper and my potato had shrivelled. So I made this ink pad DIY Wrapping Paper, do check it out!
Fancy more wrapping paper ideas together in this pone post: