How To Make Egg Candles for Easter
Welcome back to this week’s How To where I show you how to make a candle again – this time Crayon Egg Candles in time for Easter – so if your are looking for Easter Egg ideas or great Easter Gifts for Grown Up Ideas, look no further! We love Easter Crafts to Inspire you!! This craft is also a great use for all those Broken Crayons avoiding landfill!
How to make Egg Candles
This is a good time to start planning your Easter Egg ideas, as you have to collect all your egg shells first and then you can decorate them or make these fun Easter candles. So you need plenty of time to prepare!! As you know, I have been on a candle making FRENZY recently – first I made and tested different types of homemade candle wicks and made some ice cube tray candles. Then I moved on to cookie cutter shape candles (car & star shaped) for my son’s birthday and FINALLY… we have these fabulous Egg Shell Candles. I got the idea from the fabulous Morning Sunrae and have been wanting to make these ever since I saw them. I think they will make great little Easter gifts too.
The great thing about my recent candle making sessions is that I used NO specialist equipment apart from buying some Borax to make the “best wicks ever“. But strictly speaking you can get away with out it. Though I recommend you do use it, or buy some real wicks.
How to Make Egg Candles – Materials
- Homemade wicks or baker’s twine,
- empty egg shells,
- left over (white) candles,
- crayons (for colouring),
- egg cups (for resting),
- some playdough or similar (for sealing),
- a pan (for hot water),
- a can (to melt the wax)
We have different types of Egg Shell Candles
Egg Shell Candle 1:
This first Egg Shell Candle is quicker and easier to make and probably more appropriate for children. I think they look just as cute though!
If you prefer you can watch this Video Tutorial on YouTube as well!
Egg Shell Candles 2:
We love these as they are so very pretty! They take a little longer to make but do make wonderful Easter Gifts for Grown Ups. I adore how they are thrifty and yet look fantastic!
1) Make your homemade wicks.
2) Follow the instructions on “egg blowing“. Make sureyou rinse your blown egg out thoroughly and let it dry inside and out.
3) Insert your wick – you can make the opening at the BOTTOM of the egg (i.e. the rounder bit) a little bigger to do this, as you will need to open it up anyway to pour in the wax.
4) At the pointy end “seal” your hole and candle wick with some playdough.
5) Turn upside down and nestly carefully but securely in your egg cup.
6) Make the opening at the round end a little bigger (maybe the size of your little finger nail). At first I used parchement paper as a funnel, but soon discovered that I could pour it in the egg without a funnel just fine. So it is up to you!
7) Meanwhile start heating your wax, by placing it in the can and the can in a pot of boiling water. Add about 1/3-1/2 a crayon per can of wax. I discovered that “mixing crayons” (e.g. blue and red to get purple) went horribly wrong and I ended up with a browny purple. I guess this is because crayons are not “pure” colours, even if they look it. So stick to one colour per can.
8. Pour in your wax. Let it cool, pour some more. Wax contracts as it cools, so you will get quite a dip in your candle. You may have to top each egg up 3-4 times. A small hole will always remain at the end.
9) Let cool FULLY before carefully peeling off the shell. Sometimes the shell comes of really easily, other times it does not!
Top tip to finish them off – use a hair dryer to carefully smooth the surface and you can place the egg on a warm pot to melt the bottom a little and give you a flat surface for standing! Done!
So, what do your reckon? Will you have a go at these homemade candles? I think they are great fun and will be a great alternative to chocolate Easter eggs this Easter!
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