How to make butterflies out of paper
We are filling up our spring craft resources with Easy PAPER CRAFTS!! Eagle eyed Tedsters will have recently spotted our Paper Flower resource page and Paper Bunny resource page. We direct you to all our favourite paper crafts by topic on this one super handy Paper Crafts page.
Be sure to bookmark it and come back over time! As we love paper so much, I have also dedicated my new book to PAPER… easy Paper Crafts you can make at home without any special bits and bobs. Hope you love it as much as I do! But I digress.
Today we will learn how to make paper butterflies out of paper. All sorts of different paper butterflies.. from butterfly bookmarks to origami butterflies! These paper butterflies from a “subsection” in our DIY Butterfly Crafts resource page, that you may also enjoy!
Our favourite Paper Butterfly DIY Video is attached!
And here is our full list of Paper Butterfly DIYs with step by step instructions
I have tried to order these butterfly crafts a little bit by difficulty levels! So the earlier butterfly projects are great for preschoolers, whilste the later ones are great for more confident paper crafters!
A super lovely Butterfly Activity for Preschoolers this summer. Who doesn’t love to play with Bubbles? Make your own Bubble Mixture and then create this wonderful Bubble Art Butterflies (perfect for Preschoolers, and love the use of buttons)
And yes… a Preschooler Butterfly Classic: The Coffee Filter Butterflies (we show how to make these using craft sticks, pipe cleaners or clothes pegs) These butterflies look gorgeous for decorating a child’s bedroom wall as we have done!
Butterfly Mobile – get the whole family involved in colouring and designing – I love that even the youngest among us can join in with this Butterfly activity. We had a young toddler all the way to Grandpa designing butterflies and then brought it all together into this family activity! Would make for a great collaborative project in Kindergarten too!
Similarly, explore watercolours with this simple Pop Up Butterfly Cards – these butterflies are super quick to make – the kids can use water colours, crayons, pens or pencils.. your choice. But I think it is fun for them to experiment with water colours.
Gorgeous Butterfly Masks (with template printable)
Or these 3d Paper Butterflies with step by step instructions
Gorgeous Butterfly Masks (with template printable)
Spin art is a great art technique for Preschoolers. They will love this Butterfly Arts and Crafts idea for Preschool: Spin Art Butterflies
No craft collection here on Red Ted Art would be complete without another Corner Bookmark.. it took some time for me to come up with this Easy Butterfly Bookmark Corner design, but I think it is just perfect!
I know I put these Paper Butterflies in the “older” section, but you could give these a try with preschool or Kindergarten kids too. Super lovely and easy Paper Butterflies
Learn how to make these easy Origami Butterfly Bookmarks
Super easy Origami Butterflies
Another Origami Butterfly Version
Paper Quilled Butterflies – this is a great step by step paper quilling tutorial for beginners. Use these quilled butterflies for greeting cards or turn them into earrings or brooches.
More wonderful DIY Butterfly Projects here:
5 Paper Butterfly DIYs – Video
You may also enjoy this “overview video” of our top 5 favourite paper butterfly tutorials!