Ramadan Garland with Felt Ornaments
The Ramadan prepartions continue. As with all holidays and seasons, there are plenty of crafting opportunities that also teach our kids new skills. Today’s Ramadan activity is a gorgeous little Felt Ramadan Garland to sew with kids – either make it as a Felt Garland, or as Felt Ornaments, depending on what size you pick to make your final craft. This is a lovely guest post by CraftyyKids on instagram!
Learn to sew with kids this Ramadan

The lovely Craftyy Kids, cut these Ramdan shapes “free hand” (amazing!!), but, I have adapted a couple of our previous Ramadan Craft Templates to suit this craft too. I was able to bring you a lantern, a moon and a star in two different sizes. I hope this helps! You will notice that the templates are a bit wider than used in previous crafts, and this to allow for some of the width you loose when stuffing your felt ornament!
You can make the large Ramadan ornaments – great for smaller hands or the smaller felt Ramadan shapes – great for putting together on a garland.
Also – you can hot glue your work a little too, if it gets too much for your kiddos. Though I highly recommend sewing, as sewing is such a great skill for kids. Not just in terms of being able to sew, but also for concentration, pattern recognition and of course fine motor skills.
Different Handstitches for Beginners – running stitch, over stitch and blanket stitch

This is a great opporunity to introduce different handstitches for beginners. A running stitch is the simplest of all and is also the “quickest” to use in order to complete a project. It looks lovely and absolutely should be included in your sewing!
And over stitch is the next easiest. And takes a little longer.
Finally the blanket stitch is my favourite stitch of all, but it does require a little more concentration and hand eye co-ordination!
You can find all our handstitches for beginners videos in one place.
Supplies Needed for this Felt Ramadan Garland:
- Felt in a variety of desired colors
- Needle and thread (embroidery twine is nice and makes for a lovely contrast)
- A little stuffing (you can recycle old bubble wrap or cushions)
- Felt scraps for details, yarn for pom poms, other decorative bits and pieces
- Hot glue gun or fabric glue for embellishments (though can be sewn on too)
- The free templates – choose from Lantern, Moon or Star (enter $0 at check out)

Remember to enter $0 at check out to get this set of printables.

How to make your felt ornaments for Ramadan

Cut out the Ramadan Themed Shapes
Begin by cutting out some shapes. As mentioned we haev added a lantern, moon and star shape for you, but you can draw your own designs or search online for other shapes that you are interested in. Seasonal cookie cutters are also often popular as templates – but of course will make smaller ornaments!
You will need two pieces of each shape. Plus embellishments.

Hot glue decorative elements onto to the top layer
Glue or sew on the embellishments first. If like here with the moon, you are using felt scraps – it is a great opportunity for little ones to practice their cutting skills!
Stitch the sides of your ornament – over stitch or blanket stitch
Choose which hand stitch you would like to practice with your children. It if sun to try out different stitches for different ornaments. Blanket stitch is wonderful and you may wish to choose that and do it as a together project!
Once the front of your felt moon ornament is ready, bring the two sides together and start your stitching.

Here is an example of blanket stitch! The children also enjoyed gluing on the gem stones.

The moon felt softie shows running stitch. The lantern is blanket stitch again.

Make finger pom poms and tassles
Once you have made your felt Ramadan softies, you can add them to a garland with pom poms and add features such as homemade tassles.

Learn how to make finger pom poms!

And learn how to make a tassel!

Bring all the elements together
Now bring all your creations together into one wonderful garland! Aren’t they fabulous?!
A big thank you to Craftyy Kids for sharing this fantastic sewing project for Ramadan with us here today. Please do pop over and check out their Instagram account for many more crafts for all year round!
See all our Ramadan Activities & Crafts here: