Easy Ghost Craft Ideas for Kids of all Ages
Come and make some easy ghost crafts with me today! We love fun Halloween Crafts of all kinds, but today, I have a fantastic set of easy ghost craft ideas for kids of all ages – whether you are looking for ghost crafts for preschoolers or ghost crafts for elementary school kids.. you will love this collection I share with you today!

The majority of today’s ghost DIYs require only basic supplies – such as some paper, glue, scissors and paint… you can have much fun with basic materials and hopefully it makes these craft accessible to all. So let’s take a look…
Ghost Crafts for Kids

Origami Ghost Tutorial
How to make an origami ghost – a great little Halloween Paper Craft – you can use these fun ghosts as a paper Halloween garland, as part of greeting cards or as simple paper Halloween decorations. We particularly enjoyed experimenting with the kawaii ghost’s face and giving it different expressions!

Ghost Stress Balls or Ghost Squishies
Learn how to make balloon stress balls or squishies – depending on what you like to call them!! The Halloween versions, are so quick and easy.. orange balloons for pumpkin color of the Jack o’lantern squishies and white balloons for Ghost Stress Balls! Ours are filled with flour, but you can experiment with different items – e.g. orbees could be fun!

Pop Up Halloween Card Ghost
This little pop up halloween ghost card comes with some fun Ghost Jokes too (includes a free download).

Mini Ghost Pinata Decoration
A fun twist on the paper cup ghosts.. make these easy Ghost Mini Pinatas/ Ghost Decorations by combing paper cups with white tissue paper (salvaged from our last pair of shoes we bought! Such a simple upcycle). Super quick and easy to make. And they work as little pinatas or as fun ghost Halloween decorations!

Make a fun Ghost Bell Necklace
A super cute little wearable ghost craft – make this fun Ghost Bell Necklace!

Emoji Ghost Bookmark
A set of Emoji Bookmarks which also includes a ghost! You can go straight to the ghost tutorial on YouTube if you prefer!

Halloween Thaumatrope Ghosts
These little ghost thaumatropes are a great little science Halloween project exploring optics. Can you make ghost appear in the window? Or better still.. can you catch the ghost in a cage. Learn how to make this easy Halloween paper toy!

Toilet Paper Roll Ghost Gift Boxes
Super quick and easy to way to turn toilet paper rolls (or kitchen paper towel rolls) into Halloween Party Favours! All you need is ome white paint, a black marker pen or googly eyes and your ghosties are quickly made. Adore the little rosy cheeks and it is really fun to experiment with the facial expression on each gift box. More upcycle fun for Halloween.

Cardboard Tube Ghost Mini Buckets
Or why not use those Toilet Paper Rolls to make some fun and easy Toilet Roll Ghost mini treat buckets? So cute!

Ghost Surprise Balls for Halloween Party Games
Halloween Party Game – a twist on the Pass the Parcel ghosts! Surprise balls are fun “update” on the old pass the parcel game that kids will love from traditional birthday parties. They are super easy to make and you can add a surprising amount of treats amongst the layers as you go. We also like to add some “tricks” – by putting in some paper dares. Much fun to be had at your Halloween party!

Footprint Ghosts for Toddlers (and Baby Keepsakes)
Footprint Ghosts are of course a super popular “classic” halloween craft for toddlers and babies these days. They are so simple to make and so cute. Like this set by Evolving Motherhood from way back in 2009! So prescious. When my daughter was a baby, I made some footprint bunting with her feet.. it is the only footprints I have of hears and I now regret not doing more footprint crafts, as her little feet are so very precious. I haven’t got ANY of my son’s… boohoo. So don’t make my mistake.. and go grab that white paint and do have a go at some keepsake Footprint Ghosts this Halloween and make the cutest little ghost shapes! A fabulous gift to a grandparent too!

Paper Towel Ghost Lollipops
Make some paper towel lolly ghosts (or make them with tissue paper) – a quick and easy way to decorate for a Halloween party or give out Halloween Treats. Who doesn’t love a spooky ghost lolly! Or use the same principal to make a ghost (include a wad of paper towel as the head) and string these up as a Ghost Garland decoration for Halloween! We do lovel the lollipop ghosts though to hand out to trick or treaters!

Halloween Surprise Coloring Pages
These Halloween Coloring Pages also have a little Surprise Ghost Coloring Page! So fun!
Hope you enjoyed this collection of Halloween Ghost Crafts! Here are some more great Halloween Crafts (great for kids of all ages), as well as some Pumpkin Crafts for Preschoolers and toddlers

Happy Halloween!