Easy Dragon Crafts for Kids for St David’s Day
Time for some gorgeous Dragon Crafts for Chinese New Year or St David’s Day! Many can be adapted for both celebrations!

St David’s Day Dragon DIYs
If you are craft for St David’s Day – we have more wonderful ideas for St David’s Day. There are a number of great St David’s Day Craft themes for kids – there are of course cheerful Daffodil Crafts, there are traditional Welsh Maiden crafts, there are flag crafts, leek crafts and of course DRAGON Crafts. I pulled together some of my favourite Dragon Crafts on the web to inspire you this St David’s Day.
Chinese New Year Dragon Crafts
However, these Dragon Crafts would also be suitable for Chinese New Year…
Fairy Tale Dragons
….as well as any Dragon loving child… especially if you are exploring Fairy Tales that have dragons in them! So though I am wishing you a hapus dydd dewi sant, I also welcome all readers who simply adore DRAGONS!
Whatever Dragon Day you are celebrating, do have a browse of these fun crafts!
Some of the dragons shared today are green dragons or black dragons. Needless to say, in order to make them relevant to St David’s Day, you will need to make them as RED DRAGONS!! For Chinese New Year, red, yellow and green dragons work well.
Fun Dragon Crafts for Kids
Paper Dragon Crafts
You will only need simple craft supplies for these paper dragon crafts. Grab your paper, glue, scissors, markers and some tissue paper.. and lets make some of these fabulous paper dragons!

- Easy Dragon Bookmark Corner – isn’t this one a cute dragon craft?!
- Make a Dragon Origami Head (with Wings) – this is based on a popular and super easy origami bat project. Then we sow you which features you will need to cut to turn it into a dragon’s head with wings. We especially love the simple flames! So fun!
- Easy Dragon Mask (free printable dragon heads template) (oh nad you may like this Chinese Lion Mask too!! It is fabulous)
- Chinese New Year – Paper Dragon Puppet craft – another long term favourite among my readers are these fire breathing dragons – made with construction paper, popsicle sticks and our free printable template of the head, tail and feet! Kids will love to fold the paper and make this flexible dragon puppet – perfect for some dragon dances reflecting Chinese culture. Love the tissue paper streamers to use as the fire!
- Another great Chinese New Year Dragon is our paper dragon finger puppet printable. A wonderful dragon coloring page and craft in one!
- We also have a 3d Dragon Coloring Page that kids will love to make.
- As well as a fabulous “Build your own” Dragon Printable Activity (perfect as collaboration project in the classroom or for decorating bulleting boards, classroom doorways and windows)
- We love simple Paper Puppets and these Dragon Paper Hand Puppets are just the thing by Ruffles and Rainboots
- Easy Dragon Paper Hat by Paper & Glue
Paper Plate Dragon DIY Ideas

- Another nice and easy kids craft for Chinese New Year is this Dragon Twirler! Have fun painting your paper plate red- this will be your dragon’s body. Then colour in your free printable template and assemble it all together
- Paper Plate Dragon Craft by Learn with Play At Home
- …or try these 3D Paper Plate Dragons – also easy and super cute – by Pink Stripey Socks a fabulous colorful dragon! Once ready, make your dragon fly. So fun!
Cardboard & Toilet Paper Roll Dragon Crafts
Cardboard tubes are fun and versatile and there are a number of paper roll dragons you can make!

- Toilet Paper Roll Dragon Marionette – choose to use red paint to paint your paper tubes first, or wrap in red paper and secure with glue dots instead. Whatever process you find easier and more efficient! I love the long strips of paper that make up the dragon’s spine and tail. If you wish, you can add some tissue paper to the end of the tube too and make it a fire breathing dragon! Love the folded paper dragon wings. So clever.
- TP Roll Dragon with printable Templates by Ideas for Kids – such a fun colorful dragon to give a go.
- TP Roll Dragon BLOWERS – these are so fun and a must make for all Dragon Craft lovers! Watch the fire blow from the dragon’s mouth! By One Little Project
- Cereal Box Dragon Hobby Horse by Kids Craft Room
Other DIY Dragon Tutorials and Templaes
- Fun and simple Dragon Sock Puppet by Activity Village and another great sock puppet by Kids Craft Room
- Simple Clothes Pin Dragons by Kix Cereal
- They also made some super simple and fun Dragon Snack Cups at Kix Cereal, worth a peak!
- Dragon Magents (including printable dragon templates to secure with a hot glue gun and done) by Ideas 4 Kids
I hope you feel inspired by these dragon craft ideas and that you are ready to let your creativity to run free! Enjoy!

As mentioned, we have a fabulous collection of Daffodil Crafts for you here:

And if you are here because you love Chinese New Year Crafts – more inspiration here (including two great Chinese Dragon Printables):

And finally.. for the Fairy Tale Lovers.. do take a peak at these brilliant Fairy Tale Crafts: