Super Fun Elf Crafts for Kids to make this Christmas!
The Christmas Craft season is upon us and there are so many cute, fun and easy Christmas crafts and themes to explore! We adore Santa Crafts, Reindeer Crafts.. and how about now, finally, some fun Elf Crafts for Kids? This collection of elf crafts, includes fun free elf printable ideas, as well as Elf yourself opportunities… come and take a look with me today!
Easy Elf Crafts for Kids
Be sure to include our cut elf activities in your Christmas activities this year. Many just need a little craft paper or printer paper (plus freebie elf template) and off you go… easy peasy Christmas crafting!
If you are looking for Elf on the Shelf ideas.. why not try these fabulous Elf on the Shelf Science investigations?
Free Elf Printable Crafts (Paper Elf Crafts)
Let’s start with an easy elf printable or two. Now all our printable elves have a least a PART free element to them. So you can most definitely have a go at all of these!!
Elf Paper Puppets Printables
These is one of our first free elf printables on the website. It has been going strong since 2017 and still super popular. I love that not, only can you make our classic articulated elf puppet.. but you can also use it to elf yourself!! Simply glue on a photo of your little munchkin and bobs your uncle! The freebies include both a full color elf and an elf coloring page. The full set includes both boy and girl elves. (Oh and whilst we have your attention – how about some fab Santa Puppets too).
Elf Finger Puppet Printables
If you are looking for a different sort of elf puppet.. maybe you fancy these hilarious Elf finger puppet printables/ coloring pages? These finger puppets or hand puppets are super fun and quick to make. The full color set is a free to download (woohoo) or you can get teh extra elf puppet coloring pages too. There are two boy elves and one girl elf! So cute! Your kids – from toddlers, right through to elementary school, will have lots of fun with these paper elves!
STEAM Christmas Elf Balancing Toy
Explore a bit of science with this brilliant Elf Balancing paper toy – an elf printable and coloring page in one. Explore centre of gravity with this cute craft activity. A collaboration with Learning Resources!
Elf Puppet Printable
Here is another type of elf puppet printable – the super fun clothes peg elves. They are actually part of a wider Christmas set – including a Santa printable and Reindeer printable! I love the addition of a little yarn to make the elf hair for this one. But you can use the full coloring pages too!
Quriky and Fun Elf Crafts for Kids
Lots more great elf crafts.. let’s start with a couple of construction paper elf craft ideas.
Super simple Elf Card DIY
We have a set of super simple Christmas cards – designed to make in bulk and on a little production line. Great for classroom crafting, or if you have a LOT of Christmas cards and holiday greeting to send. And of course no 10 Super Simple Christmas Card set would be complete without an elf card!! Super simple and fun!
Elf Pen Pot (or Elf Tin Can Bowling)
Similarly, we apply the same design to a set of Christmas Desk Tidies (or Pen Pots.. or even better Christmas Tin Can Bowling game) to make this again, super simple Elf Pen Pot! A great way to get your messy little monster to tidy up their desk a little! And if you make a few of these, then you can use this fun Christmas craft as a bowling toy too!
Paper Plate Elf Hat
A great take on paper plate elf crafts. How about some DIY Elf Party Hats! These paper plate elf hats are a great Christmas party activity and another fun way to elf yourself. Super easy to make.. they look cute and will keep your preschoolers and kindergartners busy!
Elf Finger Knitted Hat
Here is one for tweens and teens. If like us you LOVE to finger knit.. did you know, you can finger knit an elf hat too? Finger knitting is super fun and you can make a whole knitted elf hat relatively quickly and easily. Then add a DIY hand pom pom and you are sorted for some winter fun!
Little Pipecleaner Elves Pocket Buddy
We had a lot of jolly fun making these simple colorful pipecleaner elves (with mini cork mushrooms to sit on) a few years ago. They were great little pocket buddies for the kids and where much played with at the time.
Elf Pixies
Or take the little pipecleaner elves a step further and give them a little felt outfit to make these cute Pixies ornaments!
Little Pinecone Elves Ornaments
These little elves combine nature finds such as mini pinecones or gumnuts (for our Australian friends) with the elf theme. To make darling little elf ornaments for the Christmas Tree! They make a great addition to any gift wrap or are lovely gifts in themselves.
Popsicle Stick Elf Craft
Of course we also need some super cute popsicle stick elves! After all, popsicle sticks are a wonderful craft material at Christmas time (in fact, check out our Christmas Craft Stick Craft set – with some Christmas gnomes too!). Check out The Resourceful Mama for info.
Toilet Roll Elves
Now we have all sorts of crafts made from cardboard tubes (in fact, a whole set of Cardboard Tube Christmas crafts here..) but oddly.. missed out some little Toilet Roll Elves! Tut tut! Luckily for us, Kitchen Counter Chronicles, have made some fun oens for you to check out!
Finally you may be interested in some Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt printables. Or these How to Catch and Elf Book Activities. So fun!
I hope you have enjoyed this set of Christmas Elf Crafts! Some of our best ideas for you this holiday season. And that you also enjoy the free printable templates we have been able to provide this time round.
Now.. onto some Santa Crafts for kids, don’t you think? These will really get you into the Christmas spirit with your kiddo:
And of course more fun Christmas crafts in our Reindeer Craft collection – we have two… a Reindeer Crafts for Preschoolers and a more general Reindeer Crafts for Kids collection: