Hajj 2024 – Eid Al Adha Crafts and Hajj Activities for Kids
Our special Islamic Crafts for Kids series continues, with the approach of Hajj and with that Eid Al Adha (also known as Bakrid). As part of this with some very specific Hajj crafts, focusing on the pilgrimage to the very distinctive Kaaba part of the Al-Masjid Al-Haram Mosque. We also share some lovely sheep, goat or cow crafts as part of the Eid Al Adha celebrations. You will recognise some of these from my more general spring crafts. But I think they are suitable now too!
What is Hajj?
The Hajj is an annual practice when Muslim brotherhood is on display and their solidarity with fellow Muslim people, and submission to God (Allah) is fulfilled. In essence Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca – the holiest city for Muslims located in Saudi Arabia. Which all muslims must complete once in their life time. source
The centre of this pilgrimage is the Al-Masjid Al-Haram Mosque. Getting kids creating their own Al-Masjid Al-Haram Mosque’s with the Kaaba is a great way to get children familiar with Hajj and the pilgrimage.
What is Tawaff?
Tawaff is one of the important steps of Hajj and Umrah -circumambulation- walking around Kaaba 7 times in an anti-clockwise motion. You need to complete seven circuits, starting at the Hajar al-Aswad. We have a couple of Tawaff activities to share with you from lovely guest posters!
Eid Al Adha Sacrifices
One of the important rituals of Eid Al Adha is the sacrificing of a sheep, goat or cow. These have to be ADULT animals and they have to be good health. The animal will be cooked and offered to family and friends. The animal parts are eaten in a specific order too.
So you have three animal themes to craft with with kids:
Sheep and goat tend to be the most popular theme for Eid Kids’ crafts.. so I will focus on those today! But if you fancy some Cow Crafts, I have a great collection for you to browse too!
Sheep Crafts for Eid Al Adha
Let’s begin with some of our sheep crafts!

Paper Plate Sheep for Preschoolers and Early Years
When my kids where little we loved making “paper plate rockers”.. a paper plate folded in half, is the perfect little rocking toy. There are so many ways you can decorate it. And as you can see, we have a rocking paper plate sheep here! Two versions – one we made at home with cotton wool and one we made at school with the Reception Kids (Kindergarten in the U.S.) using the eco friendly and economical shredded paper instead of cotton wool. Both super tactile though and a great opportunity for some cutting practice for the sheep’s head and feet!

Recycled Puffy Sheep Mobile
Similarly we had fun recycling some bubble wrap and amazon brown paper packaging to make these oh so simple bubble wrap print sheep! They make a lovely little mobile or garland – super simple decoration. They are stuffed with bubble wrap too – making them a super recycled craft. That said.. wouldn’t they also be cute, filled with sweets and treats as little Eid Gift Bags?!!! If you do this, PLEASE send me your photos to inculde in the post! Yay.

Sheep Bookmark Corners
Anyone regular reader of Red Ted Art knows that we are ever so slight obsessed with Origami Corner Bookmarks! Well what isn’t to love – they are so easy to make and even MORE fun to decorate. And who doesn’t love to encourage their kids to read? They also make great little Eid Sheep Gifts to give to family and friends! Learn how to make a Sheep Bookmark today!

Easy Eid Sheep Gift Basket
We have two versions of these Eid Gift Basket Printables – the Sheep Basket Printable and the Eid Basket Printable (also suitable for Ramadan celebrations of course). They are ALL free to download. So why not hop over and grab some now. Then fill with tissue paper and make some homemade chocolate dates? Yum!

Simple Cotton Wool Sheep
Another super simple blast from the past – our simple cotton wools sheep! Again, I made these with the kids when they were preschoolers and we first started out on our Red Ted Art adventures. A lovely little tacticle activity!

Toilet Roll Sheep Craft
Some more fun from way back when.. not one, but TWO versions of the Toilet Paper Roll Sheep! They are both fun to make and fab for different reasons. Either make the yarn wrapped sheep or the cotton wool Toilet Roll Sheep (aren’t those twiggy legs fun?!).

Easy Pom Pom Sheep
You got to love a pom pom. I mean, they are so fun and easy to make. Especially these pom pom sheep! They would make lovely decor (hang them from some twigs in a vase), could be added to any Eid Gifts, as a little gift tag decoration.. or made simply because they are so darn cute!

Fun Sheep Cupcakes – the perfect Celebration Treat
Adorable and easy Sheep Cupcakes! The kids will LOVE to help make these! These would be perfect for any Eid Party or Eid celebration, as well as a small treat to make and gift to a party hostess or to friends at school. YUMMY!
Fun Goat Crafts for Kids
Next up we have some fun goat crafts for kids to have a go at!

Goat Bookmark Corner
We had a Sheep Bookmark Corner… and we also have a Goat Bookmark Corner to go with it! As mentioned we love making these bookmarks, as they are quick and easy and use only basic materials: paper. You can get away with ONLY using white printer paper and using pens and markers to colour in the additional features!

Craft Sticks Eid Al Adha Rams or Goats
We love a craft stick craft – especially if you are using recycled popsicle sticks! The summer is a great time for ice lollies and we always wash and save the sticks for crafting. Then when the right season comes around we get crafty. Here is are some lovely Craft Stick Eid Rams Craft by Hello Holydays!

Cute Paper Bag Goat Gift Bag for Eid
Or how about some paper bag fun? Hello Holy Days has yet another fantastic idea for you! Learn how to make this fablous paper bag ram or paper bag goat combination on their website or check out these cute Eid Gift Bags on this video on YouTube too (they remade the original)! So fun!
Hajj Activities for Kids
As mentioned we have some Hajj activities for Kids as well! I hope to add to these over time from a lovely set of amazing guest posters!

Al-Masjid Al-Haram Mosque for Hajj
Create a Hajj Pilgrimage Theatre and use it for some Prophet Ibrahim Story Telling! Not only a lovely craft to make with the kids but a fantastic educational tool too!

Tawaff Salt Dough Activity with Kaaba
Learn about tawaff with this simple but engaging Salt Dough Tawaff Activity for kids. I love the use of simple materials, the incorporation of the anti clockwise movement and of course the Kaaba rocks in the middle.

Tawaff Art Project with Kaaba
Similarly we have an amazing guest poster Nidatastic, who shares this wonderful Tawaff Art Project and book combination with us.

Pop Up Kaaba Mosque Card
I am a sucker for all Pop Up Cards. They are so fun to make and are a great little STEAM project for any season. Here is a great pop up Kaaba Mosque card – the mechasim is simple and clever and you can learn how to make this great project on YouTube!
You may also enjoy our collection of Mosque Crafts for Kids: